Trier Institute for Research on the Transfer of People, Goods and Ideas from Antiquity to the Present
The research network TRANSMARE investigates maritime links that promote the development of complex economic systems, the exchange of cultural practices and the formation of global knowledge networks. The maritime world forms the thematic transfer framework within which goods and commodities, technical instruments and craft skills, as well as motifs and stories are exchanged and sold (maritime economy). TRANSMARE’s methodological focus is on economic and cultural-historical procedures that are not complementary but rather complement each other. The use of maritime technologies represents an important link in this context. These are investigated as technological inventions in a historical perspective and at the same time serve as an instrument of analysis themselves.
Task Area 4: Data Literacy
M1 – Data Literacy Competence Network for Historical Scholarship
The working group Simulation of Sea Routes and Maritime Trade will contribute to the Data Literacy Competence Network by reaching out and bringing in users of maritime data from the simulation of sea routes and sea trade in the pre-modern periods. It contributes to the development of a DL competence profile in ancient history by regularly organized conferences and workshops of the TRANSMARE Institute focusing on data from NOAA and NASA as well as electronically measured performance data of reconstructed historical vessels.
M4 – Counselling Services: Digital Methods, Tools, Instruments, and Digital Research Techniques for Historical Research
The working group Simulation of Sea Routes and Maritime Trade (Prof. Dr. Christoph Schäfer) will offer research stays with trainings on nautical measurement instruments and simulation tools for calculating historical geodata based on information about weather conditions and the performance of ships in ancient, medieval and early modern seafaring. It will contribute to the development of virtual training courses for the use and collaborative work on simulation tools and it will offer individual consultations for the embedding of mass data from NOAA and NASA.